Monday, November 3, 2008

Ten Things to Rue About This Campaign

10. Lou Dobbs - masquerading as an independent, angry populist, Lou's eponymous hour is a toadying monument to ratings-driven personality cult, pretending to be a public service.

9. Glossy junk Mail - Flag, smile, family dog. Garbage.

8. How can McCain claim "Country First", then put it in the hands of Sarah Palin? More like "My Short-Run Electoral Benefit First, Country Last".

7. Obama's rhetoric no longer soars - it bores

"I can put up with these personal attacks for XX more days, but this country cant afford to put up with the same old failed Bush McCain policies of the last eight years. And that's why...[applause] I'm running for [applause} President of the United States [applause]...of America [more applause]."

zzz zzz. I cant put up with Obama's same old, painstakingly airy, speeches another fortnight hence.

6. Face morphing one politician's face into another is dehumanizing and wrong. Everyone's entitled to their own face - even Dennis Kucinich.

5. Registered voters in line several hours to vote - it's a privilege that much of the world doesnt share, but are these waits really happening in 2008? In America, where one can purchase a gun, or establish a bank acct in less time?

4. Joe (or is it Sam?) The Plumber - a fraud on at least five different levels (ie not "undecided", not "buying a business", not licensed, business income well under $250K, admits Obama plan doesnt hurt him specifically, then campaigns against him nationally on lofty, conceptual grounds that progressive taxation is "incredibly wrong"). Who knew non-partisan plumbers were so ivory tower philosophical?

3. CNN's redundant lineup of pundits. Do we really need to be indoctrinated in stereo by Paul Begala AND Roland Martin on the left? William Bennett AND Alex Castellanos on the right? In addition, Campbell Brown was born redundant.

2. Robocalls - imagine all the old, infirm folks struggling to reach their phones five or six times per day, just to hear incendiary, irresponsible recordings.

1.The RNC's Contempt for the Middle Class - Obama's a measured politician with purposely vague "promises" of his own, but McCain has singularly embraced, practically celebrated misleading the electorate in 2008. His hand picked #1 proxy(Palin)is a telegenic, but alarmingly uninformed, national candidate; his #2 (Joe the Plumber) is a complete fraud. According to the RNC, these are the doofi Americans should rally around? Fascinating. Oh, and the idea of progressive taxation (which we owe to Teddy - not Franklin - Roosevelt) is now somehow socialist and sinister?

No wonder they're getting their tails kicked by the inexperienced black guy.


Michael Norton said...

Did you prefer Monica the Hummer to Joe the Plumber? (lol) McCain's pick of Palin stems from the little known fact he is spelling challenged. In his mind there is no "O" in "country". He didn't "need an erection to love his country".

All joking aside, you really have to wonder if he didn't chose Palin after taking too much Viagra.

I wonder if Obama's speeches still send tingles up Chris Matthew's leg? CNN isn't alone in its endless inanity. Olbermann's rants at MSNBC, and let's not forget FOX and their manatee, Sean Hannity.

Good to see you back blogging! Love the title, think it is a clever segue.

Michael Norton
Apropos En Passant

Anonymous said...

In his mind there is no "O" in "country".
